The Relationship Reboot Workbook helps couples build stronger and happier relationships by developing new ways of relating to one another.
It is ideal for couples who have busy schedules and struggle to make time to focus on their relationship.
Inside the Relationship Reboot Workbook, you’ll learn about seven essential ingredients to happy and fulfilling romantic relationships. These areas include:
- Trust and Commitment
- Fighting Fair
- Resolving Conflict
- Emotional Intimacy
- Physical Intimacy
- Partner in Everyday Challenges
- Growth and Goal Casting
Each essential area is broken down into Key Takeaways or the important footnotes that prepare you for the included exercises.
All included exercises can be completed in 1-2 hours each week.
This is an achievable amount of time for even the busiest couples.
Need to finally stop making excuses and give your relationship the attention it deserves?
Cut the fluff and get targeted exercises that can help you improve your relationship today.
Get your copy now!
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