Is it time for you to get help for anxiety?

Are you suffering from anxiety symptoms? Do you experience racing thoughts, inability to shut off your mind, worry excessively, and feel constantly flooded or overwhelmed?

Do you worry uncontrollably almost every day? Do you struggle to fall asleep at night or get good quality sleep? If you can relate and have trouble shutting off your worries, you might be experiencing anxiety.

Anxiety is terrifying. We often feel out of control when it hits, and we can’t seem to reason with it. Anxiety can ultimately interfere with work, school, personal relationships, and nearly every aspect of life. The symptoms of anxiety can be destructive, making it one of the biggest reasons why people seek therapy.

Anxiety is a natural emotion

Everyone gets anxious from time to time. In fact, anxiety is the body’s natural way of responding to stressful or dangerous situations. Most of us view anxiety as unpleasant, probably due to the physical discomfort that comes with it-like an increased heart rate, muscle tension, sweating, and shortness of breath.

Even though anxiety is an uncomfortable experience for many, the feeling itself isn’t always negative. If you’re one of the 40 million people struggling with anxiety, you know how hard it can be to face the day with worry and overwhelm.

Everyone experiences anxiety differently, so while you might only get sweaty palms and become self-conscious under the gaze of others, other people might find they cannot leave the house because of crippling anxiety attacks.

Ultimately, anxiety can be debilitating and make you feel trapped in your own body. However, anxiety is highly treatable. With the right tools and guidance, you can learn to understand, cope with, and ultimately overcome your anxiety.

Therapy can be life-changing

Therapy for anxiety is one of the most prevalent treatments that people seek. It can help you address the root causes of your anxiety, which are typically related to distorted thoughts, fear, or avoidance behaviors.

With the proper treatment, anxiety can be controlled and handled by using a combination of healthier lifestyle choices, coping mechanisms, and therapy. Therapy can incorporate techniques from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), or Mindfulness. Each of these therapy counseling treatment types for anxiety shares an ultimate goal: to help you understand, manage, and overcome your anxiety.

Treatment is tailored based on your unique needs and goals. In a safe, collaborative environment, we’ll work with you to overcome your anxiety.


What if I’m nervous about being judged? I should be able to manage on my own.

Many people with anxiety don’t get the help they need in fear of judgment or embarrassment. Counseling can be life changing-whether anxiety is something you’ve struggled with your entire life or something that’s recently developed due to stressful circumstances.

Therapists are trained to help and at Skill Spark Therapy Center, we don’t judge! We are all human-beings and as therapists we believe there is no shame in asking for help when you need it.

According to the American Psychological Association, many people improve significantly within 8 to 10 therapy sessions. Our therapists have the skills and expertise to help you come back to yourself and discover the calm within the chaos.

You have the power to change your life for the better

Sometimes we need a little support from others to get through the challenges that anxiety presents. At Skill Spark Therapy Center, we can help you meet your individual therapy goals.  Our therapists provide a safe, confidential, and judgment-free space to explore your feelings and overcome your difficulties.

Call, email, or schedule online, so you can tackle anxiety and start feeling better today!
